"All good things come to an end" thought the manager. It had been the last function. A wince wrinkled her lips as she bolted the wooden door. Turned off the projector, in the darkness of the night, melancholy and silence sat in the last row of seats. In 1979, after 30 years of history, and after such pleasant moments, the “Teatro Primavera” fell silent forever.
To Mr. Daniel Coronado and Mr. Roberto Colondres, a million thanks from everyone for bringing the "Seventh Art" to the town of Maricao
Collection: Miguel Ángel Ayala Rodríguez (All Rights Reserved)
For more information on the Maricao Town Historical Digital Archive project, please contact:
Miguel Ángel Ayala Rodríguez lives at number twenty-one on Calle Pachín Marín. There, between photos and memories, like a melancholic Quixote, he contemplates the town of Maricao from his vantage point.
Collector, composer, environmentalist and poet, the son of Juan Ayala (Moncho Bonelli) and Providencia Rodríguez, whom we all know as "Angie", is surely the one who knows the history of Maricao best.
Misunderstood by many, in a solitary crusade searching through rubble or the garbage of others, Miguel Ángel has dedicated his life to the preservation of our history as a People. For this reason, the Bucarabón Foundation thanks him on behalf of all, and pays him this small tribute.
Photo Collection: Miguel Ángel Ayala Rodríguez (All Rights Reserved)

For more information on the Maricao Town Historical Digital Archive project, please contact:
archivo.historico@fundacionbucarabon.org orhttps://www.facebook.com/293524701479554/posts/1123015931863756/

That day there was no altar boy, nor was there smoke from the incense. Far from the blinding brilliance of the sumptuous cathedrals, and with the sky open above their heads, the priest would officiate a wedding as solemn and simple as all those who attended there. The priest, who had arrived on horseback, dusted off his cassock after handing over the rings.
"Until death do us part", thus, in a symbolic act, Felita and Toño strengthened their ties in the Cerro de los Báez along with family and friends.
Photo taken at the beginning of the '50s, during the celebration of the wedding of Felicita Báez Irizarry and Toño Santana Castro on lands of the old "Bosque Insular de Maricao" in the "Las Piedras" sector of the "Indiera Fría" neighborhood of the town from Maricao.
Photo Collection: Carlos Báez López (Rights Reserved)
For more information on the Digital Historical Archive of the People of Maricao project, please contact:
archivos.historico@fundacionbucarabon.org https://www.facebook.com/293524701479554/posts/1123015931863756/